Category Archives: Uncategorized

NEW NOTO Membership Promotion

Renew or Join early, save and have a chance to win an iPad! NOTO also announces a new entry level membership fee to help tourism have a stronger voice.
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Ministry of Labour Pre-Inspection Webinar May 5th, 2014

NOTO has recently received more details regarding the Ministry of Labour's 2014 inspection process and upcoming webinar to help prepare tourism operators for the inspections. Please see the announcement below.
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NOTO Member Update

Please note that there are a number of items in this update that we are seeking your input and thoughts on. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
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Post Your Comments Regarding the Proposed Spring Bear Hunt Pilot Project before March 7, 2014

I have heard concerns about the proposed spring bear hunt pilot from many of you. NOTO has included those concerns in our submission and discussions with Government.
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Feds & CN to Discontinue The ACR Passenger Train Service

NOTO Updates it's members on the recent news surrounding the Federal Government and CN's plans to discontinue the Algoma Central Railway passenger train as of March 31, 2014.
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Renew or Join NOTO Early and Save!!

NOTO is pleased to announce that our membership fees will NOT increase again this year. We have maintained the same membership rates since 2008. Why?...because your membership is important to us!
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New Opportunities to Hunt Bear – An MNR Pilot

As you are aware the Minister of Natural Resources, David Orazietti recently announced a pilot project that would allow residents of Ontario to participate in a limited spring bear hunt from May 1st to June 15th in 2014 and 2015.
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2013 NOTO Conference in Review

The November event generated some very positive feedback from attendees. Read this article to learn about our award winners and the results of our Board elections.
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Test your knowledge of Google Tools – NOTO’s Conference 2013

oin us and stay to the end. We will be concluding this year’s conference in style. We will join Algoma Country members for wine and cheese! YES, you heard right, wine and cheese!
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MNR Enforcement + Crime Stoppers & Ontario Fire Strategy Update

These are very informative presentations. Protecting our natural resource involve everyone.How can you help? Be assured you do not want to miss the Ontario Fire Strategy Update, there are some very important changes happening make sure you are in the know.
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