Category Archives: Uncategorized
2016-2017 NOTO Board of Directors
NOTO Announces its 2016-2017 NOTO Board of Directors.
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The NOTO Office is Building Its Capacity
Two new opportunities will help the NOTO Office build its capacity for its members.
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Bear Outfitters to Receive 2017 Allocation Letters Soon
NOTO has been meeting with MNRF for a good number on months now regarding the allocation of Form 33s for bear outfitters for the 2017 bear hunting seasons. Most recently we met in North Bay to go over the data that they had and review a proposal from them on how they would like to proceed for the 2017 bear hunt seasons as well as a long term plan to deal with these allocations to tourism in the future.
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MNRF Proposes Changes for Small Game and Furbearer Management and Regulations
MNRF has posted a draft small game and furbearer management framework as well as a number of proposed small game and furbearer regulations changes to the Environmental Registry for consultation. Deadline for comment is January 30, 2017
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A Message From The President of Our Allied Members
I am both honoured and proud to be representing you as the current President of NOTO’s Allied Board of Directors. There are some great things happening at NOTO and I wanted to take a moment to share some of my thoughts with you.
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2017 Early Bird Membership Rates Now Available
Sign up before March 31st, 2017 for a chance to win an iPad. We invite everyone to take advantage of our Early Bird savings.
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President’s Message – December 2016
Our new President, Hilary Chambers writes her first President's Message to the Membership and brings greetings from the NOTO Board of Directors.
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Nipissing Forest 2019-2029 Forest Management Plan Development Notice
Important information for tourism businesses operating in the Nipissing Forest.
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Job Opportunity – Communication & Outreach Intern
NOTO is seeking a self-motivated individual looking to enter the tourism support industry in Northern Ontario.
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