Category Archives: Uncategorized

NOTO Allied Spotlight – Global Hydration

Global Hydration specializes in portable water purification systems and solutions for fly-in fishing, hunting and eco-tourism resorts and lodges,...
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Improvements to Help Tour Operators Claim GST/HST Rebates

The Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC) today released a statement informing on new administrative improvements that will make it easier for tour operators to claim GST/HST rebates under the Foreign Convention and Tour Incentive Program (FCTIP).
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NOTO Allied Spotlight – Lodge Vault Software

If you are in the market for a reservation program for the upcoming season, check out and download your fully functional free demo today.
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Mining Act Regulations – NOTO Addresses Tourism Industry Concerns

Our industry has had concerns about some questionable practices on the part of exploration companies that have threatened tourism values.
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NOTO Allied Spotlight – Sofa Communications

Sofa Communications' slogan is "find change in the sofa" and we pride ourselves in offering innovative solutions to all of our clients, large or small. Sofa is proud to be an Allied Member of NOTO.
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Budget closes many northern Travel Information Centres

Contact the Minister of Tourism the Minister of Northern Development and the Premier and let them know what you think. Let your local MPP know how you feel, as well.
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New border rules – What does it mean for guests?

This initiative does not change the fact that front-line border officials have very broad discretionary authority. Although this initiative reflects a policy direction from the political leadership, final decisions will continue to be made on the spot as you cross the border.
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New Fishing and Hunting Licence System

The Licence Automation Service (LAS) pilot has been completed and the rollouts to year- round issuers have commenced and are in process. The rollouts to seasonal issuers will commence in the spring of this year (2012) and this will affect most of you.
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Ontario Helps Toronto Tourism Reach New Heights

Ontario has helped make Toronto a premier travel destination, growing our economy and creating jobs for families.
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NOTO Allied Spotlight – Canadian Shield Consultants Agency Inc.

Canadian Shield Consultants Agency (CSCA) is an environmental firm specializing in water, wastewater and sewage treatment.
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