Category Archives: Uncategorized

Wabigoon Forest Contingency Plan Development Notice

Important information for tourism businesses operating in the Wabigoon Forest.
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Funding and Financing – The Right Money for the Right Project

Experience has taught us that every time we facilitate a session of this nature, businesses discover a program that they did not know about and more importantly they make a connection that facilitates going after funding stress free. This may be your chance!
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Best Practices in Bear Baiting & Guiding

When asked about how they do it, how is all this possible? They replied, that’s simple, at Beasley Brothers Outdoors, our staff are not only creative and strategic in their thinking, they are also passionate sportsmen and women as well. This isn’t just a business, this is a passion. Does that answer sound familiar?
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The WOW Customer Experience – Theresa Syers

Beyond good service, your customers want to feel engaged and valued every time they do business with you. Creating the'wow' is all about creating a memorable emotional connection; it's about; 'How You Made Them Feel! So many companies make this their brand promise but fail to deliver on it.
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Tourism Workplace Safety

Workplace safety sessions at the summit will help you get specific training for FREE, find out the answers to many questions and enlighten you as to how you can reduce your costs, resources that are available to you and what incidents are occurring in the tourism industry and how to reduce them.
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NOTO – What is happening with Baitfish?

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) is conducting a comprehensive review of its provincial bait policies to determine how the ecological risks associated with the movement and use of bait (i.e., baitfish and leeches) can be minimized while reducing the complexity of current management regimes and providing business certainty to the bait industry.
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NOTS16 Session Spotlight – Getting Approvals for your Septic Systems

Septic System Approvals - Who, What, How, When? Did you know that the proposed streamlined approval process for existing onsite sewage systems will be available soon?
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MNRF Proposes To Develop a Wildlife Management Strategy

MNRF recently posted a discussion paper for public comment on the EBR regarding the development of a new Wildlife Management Strategy.
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Update on NOTO & MNRF Discussions Re: Bear Hunt

Yesterday, NOTO met with MNRF to discuss the two main issues surrounding this year’s bear hunts.
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Member Update – April 25, 2016

This update includes information on the Ministry of TOurism, Culture & Sport's upcoming Strategic Framework Sessions, the NOTO Membership iPad Draw Winners are announced and provides a list of the current NOTO Spring Tour schedule.
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