Remember to SHOP ALLIED FIRST!! Support those suppliers that support your industry.
Here’s 3 ways to find our Allieds:
- Use our to start shopping now…Camp Buyers Guide
- Click HERE to view the most current list of our Allied members.
- To see exclusive NOTO offers from our Allied members click HERE.
Mark the Dates!!

This year, the NOTO Conference will grow to become the Northern Ontario Tourism Summit in partnership with Tourism Northern Ontario!
This exciting premiere event will take place November 17th to 19th at the Victoria Inn Hotel & Conference Centre in Thunder Bay, ON.
Visit for more details!!
MySpotlight: Kanada Focuses on Marketing Canadian Lodges to German Anglers
If you are gearing up to market your business for next season, you may want to take a look at what our Allied Member, TKK Business Services Ltd. is offering for those who may be setting their sights on the German market.
Take a moment to review their marketing opportunities for NOTO members. Click the link below:
MySpotlight: Kanada – Great Advertising Options for Fishing Lodges
NOTO is very appreciative of the support that our Allied members continue to offer to our organization and our members. We encourage you to SHOP FIRST with our Allied members.
Laurie Marcil NOTO Executive Director Ph. 705-472-5552 x24
