Category Archives: Uncategorized
More Practical Workshops at the NOTO Conference
Here are a few more practical workshops that will be available for participants of the NOTO Conference next week.
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Fuel Storage & Dispensing Workshop Now Included in NOTO’s Conference Agenda
Find out what McDougall Energy has done from a Due Diligence perspective with their customer base and listen to them share some stories that might help you with compliance to the Liquid Fuel Handling Code (LFHC) when it involves fuel storage and dispensing.
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Networking, a BIG Focus at The NOTO Conference.
In keeping with NOTO’s Year of Discovery we have tailored our conference agenda to capture your ideas and put them to work.
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The NOTO Conference is FUN!!!
So wear your craziest hat, and get ready to play some fun party games. It will be a great end of season party and a fantastic opportunity for catching up with old friends and making some new ones.
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These prices are so low that we can't reveal them to you in advance of the conference and the pricing will only be valid if you pick up a flyer at their booth at the conference trade show.
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NOTO Confirms Health & Safety Course – Register Now!
We are now taking registrations for this course. The cost is $50 per person. Please contact Anita Dewar at 705-472-5552 x 21. Deadline for registration is October 25, 2013.
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NOTO Conference Agenda Spotlight on Trip Advisor
What’s brewing for the NOTO conference? Have you registered yet? We have some fantastic sessions planned for you; you cannot afford to miss these sessions.
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MPP Bill Mauro Introduces Bill to Reinstate Spring Bear Hunt
On Tuesday, October 8th, Thunder Bay-Atikokan MPP Bill Mauro put forward a Private Members’ Bill in the Ontario Legislative Assembly calling for an amendment to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997 to provide an open season for black bears across Ontario from April 15 to June 15 of every year.
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NOTO’s 2013 Conference Agenda Now Available
NOTO's Northern Ontario Tourism Conference Agenda Now Available - Register by October 16th, 2013 & Save!
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Bearskin Offers Flight Discounts to NOTO Conference Delegates
Bearskin is pleased to offer discounts to all attendees of NOTO's Northern Ontario Tourism Conference hosted in Sault Ste. Marie on November 5th and 6th.
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