Category Archives: Uncategorized
2019-2020 NOTO Board of Directors
We wish a warm welcome to our new directors and thank our outgoing board members for their time, contribution & dedication to the work of NOTO & for their continued support.
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President’s Message – Oct. 2019
Well, that’s a wrap folks! It’s hard to believe that another season has come to a close. It seems that every year we get busier with more to do, and more to learn to provide for our guests. In these days of enhanced customer service, we all must take on a customer centric approach in our business.
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President’s Message – Sept. 2019
Northern Ontario Tourism Summit, NOTO's 90th & more!
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NOTO works with MNRF to bring changes to Commercial Outpost Camp LUP Operational Bulletin
The LUP review was a success! NOTO looks forward to having the opportunity to work with MNRF on other reviews.
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