Transport Canada Proposed Regulatory Changes of Small Vessels & Pleasure Craft Licensing

The proposed changes to the Small Vessel Regulations and pleasure craft licensing have been published in the Canada Gazette, Part I. Individuals have until July 12, 2023 to provide comments and feedback on these proposed regulations.

The proposed amendments to the Small Vessel Regulations would enhance the quality of data collected in the Pleasure Craft Electronic Licensing System by:

  • establishing a 5-year validity period for all pleasure craft licences including those with lifetime licences
  • reducing the timeframe for licence holders to provide a change of information (i.e. name or address) from 90 days to 30 days
  • requiring the new owner of a pleasure craft to apply to transfer a pleasure craft licence upon purchasing the pleasure craft
  • expanding the Pleasure Craft Licensing requirements to include wind-powered pleasure craft above 6 metres in length. These updated requirements would not apply to human-powered pleasure craft, such as kayaks, canoes, and dragon boats
  • providing the Minister of Transport with the ability to cancel a pleasure craft licence for non-compliance or upon a licence holder’s request


The proposed changes would also include:

  • introducing a $24 fee for an initial (new), renewal, transfer, or a replacement pleasure craft licence. The proposed fee is different from earlier consultations to reflect the increasing delivery costs of providing the service
  • adjusting the $24 fee to keep pace with inflation
  • formalizing the current practice for Manufacturer Identification Code (MIC) holders to update their contact information within 30 days of the change

Submit comments here. 

We recommend operators participate in this consultation period and to also advise NOTO of any questions, comments or concerns you may have so that they may be echoed in our submission.