Transport Canada Consultation on Boating – NOTO’s Submissions

As reported in the last NOTO Newsletter, NOTO is actively supporting resource based tourism with Transport Canada in response to federal consultation on long term anchoring and the associated issue of floating accommodations.

NOTO’s submission stressed that:

  • there is need for amendments to the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 definition of “vessel” to exclude the floating accommodations structures seen on Georgian Bay, given the risk that builders and owners of these structures may modify these stationary structures to satisfy the current definition of “vessel”,
  • any proposal to restrict long term mooring needs to ensure thorough stakeholder engagement including the resource based tourism industry and
  • any measures or mechanisms to regulate long term anchoring should not be used to prohibit navigation of public waters and use of waterbodies by the houseboat rental industry, which is a growing and important component of the resource based tourism industry.

Regarding the proposal to streamline the implementation of boating restrictions and enable the federal government to adopt interim boating restrictions, the NOTO submission:

  • underscored the need for our sector to be engaged in boating restriction proposals
  • stressed that municipalities and other proponents of boating restrictions be specifically required to engage our sector and consider the economic impacts of proposed restrictions
  • recommended that Transport Canada’s ability to adopt interim boating restrictions be limited to one year and that expedited and efficient consultation with provincial boating advisory committees be required and
  • requested clarity from Transport Canada on how streamlined boating restriction proposals will be considered in areas without municipal incorporation – a key land base for our sector.

While both of these Transport Canada consultation exercises are at the initial stage, it is important for our sector to engage prior to more specific proposals being brought forward in 2024. NOTO members are encouraged to submit comments to Transport Canada by December 11, 2023 at