Click HERE to register online before September 15th to get the $99/person Early Bird rate.
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Opportunties for Sponsorship & Participation are Still Available
Last year’s attendance was just over 300 people who care about the tourism industry in Northern Ontario. This number included the following representatives; 96 from tourism business, 48 from tourism organizations, 59 from industry product and service providers, 12 from First Nations bands, 8 from economic development and 82 from Government (Federal, Provincial and Municipal).
We have several opportunities for companies to participate.
EVENT SPONSORSHIP – There are numerous options for companies who wish to participate as a sponsor at the Summit. 5 different price levels are available with several opportunities for recognition throughout our big event. For more details about our sponsorship opportunties as well as the tradeshow times and pricing click on the link below. If you have any questions or have a sponsorship idea that is not outlined in our package, contact Laurie Marcil at your earliest convenience.
Northern Ontario Tourism Summit Sponsorship Kit
DELEGATE SWAG BAGS – Include your promotional item in the highly anticipated official NOTS Swag Bag. Delivered directly into the hands of NOTS delegates, it’s the fastest way to get the word out on your product or service. Plan ahead and create a lasting impression with samples, catalogues or promotional items that will make your business stand out!!
This opportunity is FREE for Sponsors and companies registered for the NOTS. Others who are interested can call Laurie Marcil at 705-472-5552 x24 to discuss options and pricing.
PRIZE & AUCTION ITEM DONATIONS – Support the tourism industry advocacy organization and promote your business at the same time. NOTO’s annual fundraising is necessary for the organization to continue its efforts on behalf of the tourism businesses that are your clients.
We are changing up our fundraising efforts this year at the Summit by holding the Silent auction throughout the event and having a select number of items reserved for the live auction during the evening festivities. We will also be adding games of chance to the evening and are asking for donations of prizes that can be used for these games as well. Please review the link below for more details.
NOTO Fundraiser Donation Form
We encourage you to take time now to review the opportunities and seriously consider joining us at this one-of-a-kind northern Ontario tourism event. For more details about registering and booking your room visit the Northern Ontario Tourism Summit website at
ONLY 6 more days to register at the $99 Early Bird Rate!! (September 16th the rate will go up to $149.)