
The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, Ontario Regulation 429/07 ‘Accessibility Standards for Customer Service’ comes into full effect for “providers of goods and services” on and after January 1, 2012.
Through the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA), Ontario is working towards making the province accessible for people with disabilities by 2025. Under this act, Ontario is developing accessibility standards. These are the rules that businesses and organizations in Ontario will need to follow to break down barriers in important areas of everyday life:
- Customer Service
- Transportation
- Employment
- Information and Communications
- The built environment – includes building and other structures
This particular regulation specifically focuses on Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, which is the first step in achieving total accessibility in the province by 2025. Please note that the act has several main areas of focus as is outlined above, but for now you need to focus only on the Customer Service Standard. The Ontario’s accessible customer service standard is now law.
NOTO urges you to get on board and implement this standard. Learning how to effectively deal with customers with disabilities in the tourism sector is important.Getting involved and understanding what is expected of you and your employees will position you to plan for the future in order to become fully compliant with all aspects of the act by 2025.
The Accessibility Standard covers nine broad sections. Download a copy of the standard and please do not hesitate to contact us for additional information and guidance. NOTO has three staff members who took the “Accessibility Standards for Customer Service” training delivered by the Tourism Industry Association of Ontario (TIAO) and the Ontario Tourism Education Corporation (OTEC). The trained staff members who recently took the course and can provide guidance and help to you are; Andre Dukhia, Tourism Development Specialist (andre@noto.net , 705-472-5552 ext.22) and Laurie Marcil, Member Services Manager (laurie@noto.net , 705-472-5552 ext. 24).