Reporting Questionable Forestry Practices


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KBM Resources Group is undertaking a consultation process with interested parties to address a mandatory requirement for all forest product facilities certified to the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Controlled Wood (CW) Standard. KBM Resources Group is an environmental consulting firm based out of Thunder Bay, Ontario and NOTO was contacted by the group to share information regarding the consultation. 
The certification is important for forest product companies as it allows them to demonstrate that measures are in place to prevent any of their wood supply coming from unacceptable sources defined by the following categories:

  1. Illegally harvested forests;
  2. Forests harvested in violation of traditional and civil rights;
  3. Forests in which high conservation values are threatened;
  4. Forests that are being converted to plantations or non-forest use; or
  5. Forests in which genetically modified trees are planted.

In order to fill out the consultation form please download the letter to stakeholders, the KBM controlled wood risk assessment report and the risk assessment comment template. The period for comments ends on July 31, 2017.

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