If you have paid your 2022 NOTO membership, you would have received your ballot for the 2022 elections in your inbox on November 1st, 2022.
Members will be able to vote electronically up until November 18th, 2022.
Members who will be attending the Northern Ontario Tourism Summit at the Valhalla in Thunder Bay may choose to vote in person during the NOTO Annual General Meeting on November 21st, 2022 at 1pm (EST).
The NOTO By-Laws permit members to run for the election in each region from the floor of the Annual General Meeting. In order to run off the floor, you must have paid your 2022 NOTO membership, and must receive the support of two other operators at the AGM. If you anticipate running off the floor at the NOTO AGM, please let our Executive Director (Laurie) know as soon as possible so that we can prepare accordingly.
All of the ballots received both electronically and in person will be counted during the election process at the AGM on November 21st.