Are my cottages classified as a Short Term Rental, or am I classified under Hotels, Motels, Lodges, Resorts, Cottages, Cabins and Other Shared Accommodations?
For the purpose of these new regulations, NOTO recommends you look at the industry classification given to you by the CRA for tax purposes. Businesses that offer cottage/cabin rentals are sometimes classified under the same number as hotels/motels and lodges, while others will specifically be called short term rentals.
You can find your classification by looking for your North American Industry Classification System Code (NAICS #).
If your NAICS number begins in either 7211 or 7212, you would fit into the hotels, motels, lodges, cabin rentals, etc. for the purpose of this shutdown. However, you must ensure you comply with the seasonal campground regulations (if applicable to your business), as well as the stipulations highlighted for lodges in O. Reg 82/20 (under #25 and #26)
However, the gathering restrictions and stay-at-home order will make it tricky for the guests to comply with the current regulations. This is something to consider.