Proposed Changes to NOTO By-Laws

After careful thought and discussions with Preferred Supplier President, Jeff McGirr, and our Board of Directors, we are proposing revisions to the Associate and Preferred Supplier membership section of the NOTO By-Laws.

Our goal is to combine the Preferred Supplier and Associate Membership categories into one and calling the new category Corporate & Community Champions. This will allow us to open the doors to mining, forestry, municipalities, and other businesses and organizations who may not be directly related to the tourism and hospitality sector, but support the aims and objectives of NOTO.

The NOTO Constitution states that all proposed changes to the by-laws must be presented to the membership 3-months prior to the AGM, and must be ratified by the membership through official vote. All NOTO members will have the opportunity to vote on the proposed changes at the NOTO AGM taking place at the Best Western Hotel & Conference Center in North Bay, ON on Tuesday, November 19th, 2024. Members who are unable to attend the AGM in person will have the opportunity to vote electronically ahead of the AGM.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please reach out to the following individuals. All comments received will be noted and brought forward to the board for further discussion.

Jeff McGirr

Preferred Supplier President

Yamaha Motor Canada


Bob Garson

NOTO President

Garson’s Fly-In Outposts

Laurie Marcil

Executive Director