NW Ontario Parks: Opportunity to Comment on Background Information Document for Wabakimi, Kopka River and Whitesand Provincial Parks

Ontario Parks, part of the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, invites you to participate in the management planning process for Wabakimi, Kopka River and Whitesand provincial parks.

MECP have developed a background information document to support the development of a management plan for Wabakimi, Kopka River and Whitesand provincial parks.

This background information document provides summary information about the three parks, including:

  • geographic locations
  • natural and cultural features
  • social and cultural uses such as recreational activities
  • access and park users

This information will be the basis for all upcoming planning stages, including the development of a management plan which will guide the parks’ long-term development, protection and management.

We are sharing this information to support further public and stakeholder involvement in the planning process and identify management priorities. This information will be the basis for all upcoming planning stages, including the development of a management plan.

The background information is available for review on the Environmental Registry of Ontario.

Comments can be sent to the contact identified below. Comments received will be considered when preparing a management options for the provincial parks.

Comments must be received by June 3, 2023.

For more information, please contact:

Katherine Onyshkewych

Senior Park Planner

Ontario Parks, Northwest Zone

435 James Street South, Suite 221d

Thunder Bay, ON P7E 6S7

