Mark your calendars to join us November 4th – 6th in Sault Ste. Marie at Algoma’s Water Tower Inn

Don’t miss this opportunity to network with your peers and stay up to date on issues that face the tourism industry.
NOTO’s Northern Ontario Tourism Conference Agenda Now Available – Register by October 16th, 2013 & Save!
The moment many of you have been waiting for has finally arrived…our 2013 Conference Agenda is now available on our website at:
We have put together a great agenda packed with a mixture of practical workshops, information sessions and fun.
Over the past two years, conference attendees have indicated that they would like us to include plenty of time to share your thoughts and ideas with us and each other. You will note that we have a number spots on our agenda this year for just that purpose.
We have also made an effort to change our format to include more open discussion opportunities with our presenters.
Please take a moment to review our agenda and consider attending our conference. Whether you are a member of NOTO or not you are welcome to attend.
We had hoped to get this out to all of you sooner but had a couple of presenters that unfortunately had to cancel their appearance.
We still have one full session spot to fill and have the ability to add one or two concurrent workshops. If there is a topic we haven’t covered that you are interested in, please let us know and we’ll see what we can do to find a presenter in the next few weeks.
Don’t forget to let us know if you are interested in the Health and Safety Supervisor course we are considering offering on November 4th.
This event is put together for the tourism industry in Northern Ontario we want to hear from you.
Laurie MarcilExecutive Director (Ag)