Mark your calendars to join us November 4th – 6th in Sault Ste. Marie at Algoma’s Water Tower Inn

Don’t miss this opportunity to network with your peers and stay up to date on issues that face the tourism industry.
NOTO’s Northern Ontario Tourism Conference Dates Changed to November 4th – 6th, 2013 in Sault Ste. Marie…Plan to Attend!
Algoma’s Water Tower Inn & Suites in lovely Sault Ste. Marie, will be the host of NOTO’s annual event this year.
The Conference webpage has been developed and we will be adding more details as we confirm our presentations. Click here to go to our Conference page now.
Included on this page are details for registration, our agenda outline, promotions from our sponsors, annual meeting details as well as details for our allied members to participate in our annual displays.
We hope to see you all in attendance. If you have any questions or suggestions for topics you would like to see information on during the event, please contact Laurie or Andre at the NOTO office at 705-472-5552.
Stay tuned for some great surprises and unique opportunities for you to get more out of our annual event. More open round table sessions, more panel discussions and yes…even more fun!
To camp operators…you do not have to be a member to attend.
Hope to see you in the Sault!!
Your NOTO Team