NOTO Board Executive

The NOTO Board has elected the executive for 2023-2024.

NOTO President: Bob Garson (Garson’s Fly-in Outposts – North Central Region)

Vice-President: Ted Putnam (Hawk Lake Lodge – North West Region)

Secretary/Treasurer: Jean-Luc Brousseau (Good Time Outfitters – North East Region)

Past-President: Hilary Chambers (Pine Grove Resort Cottages – South Region)

There remains one vacancy in each of the Northeast and South regions. For areas where there are vacancies, the board can appoint a member to fill the vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting where the member would need to run in the election in order to remain on board.

If you are located in an area with a vacant seat, are a member in good standing, and are interested in representing your region on the NOTO Board of Directors, please reach out to Bob Garson (705-253-4938).