Keynote Speaker: Juanita Keel Ryan will be making her presentation on Tourism Product Development on Wednesday, November 19th at 8:30 AM

Juanita Keel Ryan is the director of Tourism Product Development, in the Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. She has been serving in this capacity since 2002. She has also held the positions of director in; Tourism Marketing, Tourism Planning, Policy and Research, Business Development, Provincial Parks and Natural Area and Advanced Technology, Research and Development. Juanita holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economic Geography and a Bachelor of Education degree in Elementary Education from the Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John’s.
Juanita sits on the Canadian Tourism Commission Brand Experience committee and when she is not busy with tourism development and branding she is outdoors running, hiking, biking or skiing. She is an avid lover of literature, music, the arts and food.
Tourism is about creating and delivering experiences that are meaningful and memorable for the participant while at the same time achieving business/organization viability and sustainability. As experience creators our customer satisfaction is dependent on our ability: to be market ready; to keep changing and diversifying; to know what the market wants; to meet market demand; to expand our season(s); and to form strong industry relationships that provide a cluster of experiences that can attract and keep people in our region, as well as to ensure the experiences we deliver will create lasting memories. Join Juanita as she graces the Northern Ontario Tourism Summit to impart some of her experience and enlightens us about the product development process.