The deadline for public comment on this posting is November 17, 2016
Follow the link on the right to review the proposal. Be sure to share your comments with NOTO.
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MNRF Proposes to Develop a Wildlife Management Strategy
MNRF recently posted a discussion paper for public comment on the EBR regarding the development of a new Wildlife Management Strategy. To view the posting follow this link:
EBR 012-8249
In addition to the development of the strategy, MNRf is also considering two complementary wildlife initiatives. Here is an overview of the three pieces that have been provided by MNRF.
1. Building a Wildlife Management Strategy for Ontario: A Discussion Paper is intended to provide information and generate discussion about wildlife management in Ontario in order to inform the development of a provincial Wildlife Management Strategy.
2. The Small Game and Furbearer Management Framework (in development) is anticipated to provide guiding principles, management objectives and tactics to ensure the long term sustainable management.
3. The White-tailed Deer Management Policy (in development) is anticipated to bring together Ontario’s existing deer management practices and set the context for broader management approaches to allow us to respond effectively to pressures facing Ontario’s White-tailed Deer Population.
NOTO will be working with our wildlifee committees to review this document and will be meeting with MNRF in October to bring any concerns and comments to the Ministry.
We encourage our members to take the time to review the posting as well and provide any feedback to NOTO by September 30th so that we can ensure that we are respresnting our members’ needs in this process. You can submit your feedback directly to Laurie Marcil, Executive Director of NOTO at laurie@noto.net