Message from NOTO’s President

Season’s Greeting Fellow NOTO Members,


It is that time of year to look back at what we were able to realize, the accomplishments and all of the progress that we have made individually and as an organization in 2023. It is now time for family and friends, and we can finally take advantage of getting together. It is time to be grateful of what we have and to spread some of that Christmas cheer! Enjoy the time off and prepare yourselves for what can be a record year in tourism. We will all strive to overcome the challenges ahead not forgetting how we have survived the past four years which are probably the most devastating years in the history of tourism. The New Year will be a time to build on what we have accomplished and continue to move forward.


I would also like to recognize the hard work of the NOTO staff and all their efforts for our membership. I am also grateful to all the Board Members who take the time to represent the members in their respective areas. Their selfless efforts in their respective areas attribute to why NOTO is such a strong advocate and voice in Tourism in Ontario. The Preferred Suppliers do so much for this industry and yet do not often get recognized for their work. I would just like them to know how important they are to NOTO and applaud them for being there for us.


This is also the time to show appreciation to all the Organizations, Government Agencies, Municipalities, Townships, Committees and everyone else that we work closely with. We need to continue to foster these relationships and work together to further our goal of making Ontario the best in the world in tourism.


I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season on behalf my family, the NOTO Board and Staff.


NOTO President

Bob Garson