Early Bird Renewal Rates and the iPad Draw end March 31, 2016
Click the appropriate link below or call us at 705-472-5552 to renew before this promotion ends.
Regular Members
Allied Members
Associate Members
Attention Allied Members
Looking for ways to reach tourist camp operators?
NOTO has advertising space available in its upcoming Spring newsletter. Contact Laurie Marcil before March 5th, 2016 to reserve your spot. There are only 10 spots available.
February 18, 2016 – Three Quick Updates…
Spring Bear Hunt
As many of you know, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry has proposed a 5-year extension on the Spring bear hunt pilot that will enable non-resident hunters to participate and that will be available in any area that currently has a fall bear hunt.
We have confirmed that the Ministry has sent a final proposal forward for regulation confirmation by a Legislative and Regulation Committee. What we do not know is what the final proposal looked like and when the final confirmation will be made. We are awaiting the decision of the Committee.
We are 98% certain that it will go forward for this April however we are advising outfitters not to take deposits yet. You can still talk about your packages and put people on a waiting list but we are not recommending that you take deposits until this is final.
We are expecting word any day now. We will send out an email to all of our members as soon as we get word of the final confirmation.
Work Permits for American Owners of Canadian Tourist Camps
The process has once again changed for obtaining annual work permits as of November 2015.
Each employer needs to complete the necessary forms online through the Employer Portal. that can be found at the following link: This link includes a very helpful Employer Portal enrolment guide (be sure to use the new one.)
The first step is to enroll in the Employer Portal. Once you have enrolled you can proceed with next steps as outlined in the guide.
IMPORTANT: You will be given a username, password and a GCKey. Be sure to keep all of this information on file for future use.
Once enrolled you will be directed to complete the Employer Compliance form and submit a fee. Once this is done, you will be ready to go to the border and get your work permits.
Note: Next year you will need to sign in to the portal using your username, password and GCKey and complete the Employer Compliance and submit the necessary fees again.
We are unable to go into the Employer Portal ourselves so if you have any feedback on this process that we can share with others, please email or call Laurie or Andre at NOTO at 705-472-5552 or email us at
On The Search for Qualified Staff?
In order to help, Réseaux en Immigration Francophone de L’Ontario is holding a job fair on Wednesday, March 23, 2016 in Ottawa for Northern Ontario businesses seeking qualified staff.
Participation is free and there may be some travel expense assistance provided. Click here for more details.
The deadline for confirming participation is March 3rd, 2016.