Changes Within NOTO

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Dear Industry Colleagues:
It is no secret that the tourism industry in northern Ontario has faced some tough times over the past few years, so it will come as no surprise that NOTO has been facing similar challenges. If NOTO is to survive and remain effective, it is clear that it will have to become leaner and more efficient, at least over the short to medium term. This determination, reached by the NOTO board, is one with which I fully agree. 
As the first step in this transformation, I will be stepping down from my duties as Executive Director at the end of January 2013. I am working with the board to continue to develop and unfold a transition plan for NOTO. I expect to be able to offer my services from time to time on individual projects in an advisory or consulting capacity. We all agree that it is time to re-structure NOTO around a different model and approach.
This is not about NOTO being in the midst of a major financial crisis. Though far from strong, NOTO is in better overall financial condition than it has been in the recent past. That is why this is precisely the right time to act – while the organization has the means to take real action. Of course, the continuing support of our members and partners is more important than ever.
Many have heard me say that in my long and varied career, from university administrator to advertising executive, this is the best job I have ever had. Those feelings have not changed, and I will continue to do whatever I can to help and support NOTO and this great industry. But the time is right for NOTO to make some bold and decisive moves, and I will do everything I can to help set up the transition to NOTO’s next 90 years.
Doug ReynoldsExecutive Director 
And now a word from our President on behalf of the NOTO Board…
Hello Everyone:
As Doug Reynolds, NOTO’s Executive Director has mentioned, industry circumstances have dictated that NOTO must become ‘leaner and more efficient’.  Our Board of Directors agree with this and have worked with Doug to make this a reality.
To start this process Doug will no longer be the Executive Director effective the end of January 2013. Between now and then Doug will be working with staff to develop a transition plan in order that NOTO can continue to effectively move forward.
On behalf of the Board of Directors and membership I would like to convey our thanks and appreciation to Doug for almost eleven years of dedicated service to our industry.  We wish Doug all the best in his future endeavors.
Bob GarsonPresident,  NOTO


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