Attention Operators Located in Superior Country!

Superior Country Offering Opportunity to be Considered for Television Opportunities

Superior Country is once again offering the opportunity to be considered for television opportunities that can lead to increased bookings for your business! These opportunities include being featured on the “The Canadian Experience” (a Lindner’s program) and “The New Fly Fisher”. Superior Country plans to put forth all the costs associated with bringing these programs into the region. However, the selected properties will be required to waive any and all accommodation, travel, culinary, and all other associated fees connected to hosting. While television personnel must be fed by the participating lodges while shooting, lodges are not required to offer an American-Plan to be considered for these initiatives.

We are anticipating shooting three episodes with The Canadian Experience and two episodes with The New Fly Fisher. The two episodes with The New Fly Fisher are in addition to the episode we have already done a call out for earlier this year. Please note that we are still in the planning phases and that these shoots are not yet guaranteed and are contingent on final budget allocations.

If you are interested, please reach out to Dan Bevilacqua ( for more information & include the name of one (or both) of the programs you are interested in, and the species you wish to showcase. In terms of the Canadian Experience please let us know if you are interested in just fish, just hunt, or both. Remember that you must be a member of Superior Country to be considered for these opportunities. If you are not already a member of Ontario’s Superior Country, you can contact their team for more information.