A Message From NOTO’s President

Hello Fellow NOTO Members,


It is the time of year when the end of fishing season is in sight but, for those who offer hunts, that season is just starting. The end of a season provides an opportunity for us to take a moment to ponder how our year has been and where we are headed.

Here at NOTO, we continue to support and advocate for solutions to the issues that take you away from running your business. At times, it seems the government invents issues to make having a business in this industry more difficult than it needs to be. We all work hard to follow the rules and make a living. Fortunately, we have the great NOTO staff that listens to our struggles, sorts through regulations and policies and challenges the government on issues affecting our industry. No single business owner could ever devote the time to solve all of the issues on their own.

This is why we need NOTO and why as an industry, we must support this very important organization. Collectively it is our voice and our united effort in keeping the industry viable and your business successful. I ask for your support to ensure your future, and all the rest of us in the same boat.

After your season wraps up. make plans to join us at the Tourism Summit in North Bay November 19th to 21st.

We can all reflect on our season and enjoy the comradery of our fellow Outfitters. We can develop our skills and voice our concerns. We can collectively work on solutions to the issues that plague our industry. Looking forward to seeing everyone.


Your NOTO President

Bob Garson