Algonquin Wolf Recovery Strategy

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Algonquin Wolf Draft Recovery Strategy Now Posted for Public Comment
DEADLINE: February 14, 2018
A Draft Recovery Strategy has been developed for the Algonquin Wolf under the Endangered Species Act, 2007. This draft strategy is now available for public comment on the Environmental Registry and can be found at  The EBR Registry number for this posting is 013-1813.
After our initial review of the document, NOTO intends to submit comment regarding a few key areas we wish to see addressed.

  • We would like to see that the protected areas for the Algonquin Wolf does not expand.
  • We would like to see a commitment from MNRF to conduct studies regarding the impacts on other big game and small game species by the Algonquin Wolf. Many in our industry have reported seeing increased moose kills by wolves across the north.  Now that they are moving towards growing a population of a species of wolf in Ontario, what will the impact of this predatory species be on other wildlife species?

We encourage any of our members who have other concerns that need to be addressed to share their submissions or comments with us, so that we may consider including those comments with our submission.  Remember the deadline for submitting comments is February 14, 2018.

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