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Crown Land Use Atlas Harmonization Project (CLUAH) – WAWA District
Public open houses are now underway for the Wawa Crown Land Use Atlas Harmonization project and comments will be received on the Environmental Registry until September 1. I urge all tourist operators in the Wawa district to attend an information session if possible, and submit comments to the ER.  For tourist operators outside of the Wawa district it is very important to  understand this process and post your comments on the registry…ALL OPERATORS IN THE PROVINCE CAN MAKE AN INPUT!!
This project is the first attempt to update land use in the district since the District Land Use Guidelines were developed in the early 1980s and may very well set the stage for the next 30 years. Land use decisions made as a result of forest management planning have long been contentious in this district, with numerous environmental “bump ups” in the last few years.
The information on the ER is somewhat confusing – the current proposed options are not in the main body of the page, but in links on the right side at the bottom. It consists of two maps that describe four options. It is very important to read the detailed management descriptions, since three of the four options refer to the same map.
Option A was prepared mainly by local pro roads interests and is focused on enhancing road based opportunities. It has a Road Based Recreation Enhanced Management Area along with General Use Areas and is shown here:
Options B, C, and D have a similar Road Based Recreation EMA and General Use Areas but add Remote Access Enhanced Management Areas. These options are shown on this map:
They differ from one another in the specific management prescriptions – which activities are permitted or prohibited. For example, Options B and C permit continued motorized use of existing forest roads but not new roads. Option D affects both new and existing roads, making the area “functionally roadless”.
The management prescriptions for all options are outlined in this document:
It is this item that I urge you to read carefully and comment on in detail. Which elements make sense and which do not? How will this affect the future of your business? Which approaches have struck an appropriate balance between the needs of our industry and the needs of local recreational communities?
If you need more information, please call the NOTO office or the MNR District office in Wawa. Your comments matter and will be very important in determining the final direction of this important land use planning initiative.

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