2015 Summer Jobs Service Program Now Available through the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines Offices
Application Deadline: April 30th
Hire a student and get a $2.00 subsidy per hour
For more details, review the information below that was sent out by the Kenora office of the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines earlier this week.
Take care,The NOTO Office
Dear Employer,
This summer consider hiring a student. You can tap into a source of motivated, talented and energetic young people who are ready and willing to work, while at the same time, provide your business with extra help to get the job done.
The Provincial Government is investing in student employment in Northern Ontario through the Summer Jobs Service program delivered by the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines. The Summer Jobs Service can help you by providing a $2.00 subsidy per hour incentive to hire young people.
You can receive funding of up to a maximum of 560 hours per position, for example, 35 hours per week for 16 weeks at $2.00 per hour. Subsidized placements must not begin before April 1, 2015 and must not extend past September 30, 2015. There is no minimum number of weeks. Students must be between the ages of 15 and 30 upon commencement of employment (see the link below for program guidelines).
We invite you to participate in the Summer Jobs Service initiative. Application forms can be found on our website: http://ontario.ca/northernsummerjobs
You can fill out the application online and submit it by electronically by using the link above (if you are interested in applying – I strongly recommend using this option).
If you do are not comfortable with using the online system please let me know and I can email, fax or hard copy mail you an application form.
Please submit your application before April 30, 2015.
If you would like a paper version of the application form, please contact me and I will fax or mail one to you. If you require further information, please do not hesitate to call.
Below is some information on expectations of the employer (if you were to apply to the program and were successful in your application):

Feel free to share this with your contacts.
Dean CaronNorthern Development AdvisorMinistry of Northern Development and Mines810 Robertson Street, Suite 104Kenora, OntarioP9N 4J2Phone: 807-468-2936Cell: 807-466-1193Fax: 807-468-2930dean.caron@ontario.ca