This just in…
Renew or join NOTO before April 30th, 2014 for a chance to win an iPad!

We are extending our Early Bird rates for this special offer.
Spread the word...we need all tourism businesses to support NOTO so that we can continue to be an effective advocacy group for your business.
Use the membership form at the link below or call 705-472-5552 to join and enter the draw today!
Membership Form
Your membership really does matter!
Renew or Join NOTO now to save and have a chance to win an iPad!!
We are excited to announce that not only are we extending our early bird membership deadline from March 31st to April 30th but we are also offering you a chance to win an iPad. Just our little way of saying…we value your membership!
In an effort to increase our membership numbers and build our resources, we are sharing this offer with you.
We would also like to take this time to introduce a new entry level membership fee for NOTO. This rate is geared to those who would like to support the advocacy efforts and information services that NOTO provides to the industry.
If our money saving or marketing benefits do not interest you but you need a voice to Government through our advocacy efforts then you can join NOTO for $350.00 plus HST.
NOTO needs your support to continue working on issues like TSSA, MOE and septic system regulations, MNR regulations and activities, rail line closures and many more issues that impede you from simply running your businesses.
If you are interested in this base level of membership that directly supports our advocacy efforts on your behalf please call our office today at 705-472-5552. This industry needs to stand together for our future.
For more details on all of the benefits of joining NOTO visit:
Let’s get working together now!
Laurie Marcil Ph. 705-472-5552 x24