Join NOTO or Renew
Your Membership
Considering becoming a member?
Your membership with NOTO enables us to help protect the interests of the tourism operators in Ontario. One united voice that represents the needs of this industry will allow for nature and outdoor tourism businesses to continue to offer quality outdoor recreational experiences to visitors from around the globe. Our efforts to provide timely educational and information services as well as advice and advocacy work for the tourism businesses in Ontario can only be made more effective through membership dollars. Our organization needs your support to make this happen.
Categories of Membership:
- Regular Membership (view list) – This membership level is open to camps, lodges, and resorts and other nature and outdoor tourism businesses in Ontario.
- Corporate & Community Champions – This membership level merges the previous Preferred Supplier & Associate categories allowing us to expand our reach, welcoming product & service providers, businesses from different sectors (ex: retail, forestry, mining), municipalities, organizations, travel associations, information centres, and other supporters who share in NOTO’s mission and vision, creating even more opportunities for collaboration and growth for the outdoor tourism industry in Northern Ontario.
- Public Membership – This membership level is open to any individual who wishes to support NOTO.
To join or renew by mail, please download the appropriate membership form below and send it to:
NOTO – 386 Algonquin Ave – North Bay, ON – P1B 4W3
Early Bird Pricing for 2025 memberships will run until March 31st, 2025. Annual NOTO Memberships are renewed voluntarily and run from June to June. Invoices are typically sent out to regular members in the month of May.
Interested in a TIAO membership as well? TIAO is offering NOTO members the opportunity to join their organization at a discounted rate! Effective January 2025, operators who would also like to become a member of TIAO will simply need to log into their membership profile to access discounted pricing, or select the box on the physical NOTO membership form if submitting by mail. NOTO receives 50% of the TIAO membership fees.
TIAO bridges the gap between industry and government, championing the economic importance of tourism across the province. Learn more about TIAO by clicking here.