About NOTO

NOTO’s History

The Northern Ontario Tourist Outfitters Association (NOTO) was founded by a group of tourism operators in March 1929 to create an organized voice for the resource-based tourism industry in Northern Ontario.

Its purpose was to represent the interests of that industry through impressing upon Government the need to protect and safeguard the attractions that enticed travelers to come to Ontario…our high quality natural resource base such as our forests, fish, wildlife, clean air and water, and wilderness.

More than 80 years after our founding, government relations remains the centre of NOTO’s focus. NOTO maintains ongoing communications with political leaders and senior civil servants at the local, provincial, and federal levels and lobbies all levels of government to make sure their policies help the outdoor tourism industry in Ontario grow and prosper.

Although this remains the prime focus of the Association today, as outlined in our Mission Statement, NOTO has broadened its mandate over the years to keep up with the changing needs of the membership and the industry.

In 2000, we adopted the additional operating name of Nature & Outdoor Tourism Ontario to better reflect that our organization is provincial in nature. Although most of the nature and outdoor tourism industry is located in northern Ontario, it is clear that many issues affect the entire industry, and many operators in southern Ontario felt they had no organized voice, and needed one. This led NOTO to shift its focus from being an organization that reflected the needs of its members in northern Ontario to one that works to support the nature and outdoor tourism industry throughout Ontario.

NOTO’s Mission Statement

The mission of NOTO is to enhance the quality, diversity and economic viability of the Nature and Outdoor Tourism Industry in Ontario.

NOTO’s Philosophy Statement

NOTO is an organization dedicated to proactive planning, development, and promotion of a strong nature & outdoor tourism industry in Ontario.

NOTO is committed to:

  • service to its members
  • protection and enhancement of resources and environment
  • high ethical standards in providing a quality nature–based outdoor experience for our guests
  • co-operation with other user groups in achieving our goals
  • optimum use of the resources of Ontario for the long-term social and economic benefits of all.

NOTO’s Code of Ethics

  • There shall be full co-operation between members of the Association at all times.
  • Members of the Association, their employees and guides will be required to fully co-operate with the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Ministry of Natural Resources, or any other Government Department concerned with the Ontario Tourist Industry, and to fully adhere to their laws, rules and regulations.
  • Regular Members (Operators) will be required to maintain good, adequate, and serviceable equipment for the use of guests and employees.
  • Rates and accommodations will be clearly and carefully defined to guests prior to booking reservations.
  • Members will not misrepresent their rates, services or accommodations.
  • Members will provide for every necessary safety and comfort of guests.
  • Members will endeavour always to employ well trained, courteous, and sufficient personnel to adequately care for their guests.
  • Members will provide adequate and well prepared food to guests and personnel at all times when the camp operates on the American Plan.
  • Members Camps will be kept in a clean, neat, orderly and good state of repair at all times, and shall be so maintained as to be a credit to the operator and the association.
  • Members will conduct their business in an ethical manner.
  • Members will post a copy of this Code of Ethics in a conspicuous place on their premises at all times.
  • Failure to abide by this Code of Ethics will subject any members to an investigation by the Board of Directors, or a committee appointed by it, and, if adverse, may subject the member to reprimand, suspension or expulsion from the association.
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