MNRF Transfer Wolves To Isle Royal

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MNRF Transfer Wolves to Isle Royal

The MNRF has recently transferred 11 wolves from Michipicoten Island Provincial Park to Isle Royal National Park.
This decision was made to maintain genetic diversity in the wolf population and to ensure that predation, a key ecosystem component, remains in Isle Royal National Park.
Similarly to Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland, Isle Royal National Park is experiencing several issues due to an overpopulation of moose. It is their hope that re-establishing a strong population of wolves will help control the moose population.
We believe the MNRF should of considered the economic importance of moose in Ontario before proceeding with this decision. They should of considered taking some moose from the island to help populate moose-stressed areas in the province. The MNRF recently shared this news on their Facebook page and there are several comments were made by Ontario citizens who feel the same way.

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